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HomeBlogs&NewsWhat is a Nitrogen Generator? Working Principle and Applications of Nitrogen Generators

What is a Nitrogen Generator? Working Principle and Applications of Nitrogen Generators


Have you ever wondered how nitrogen generators work? These machines are important in many industries because they make nitrogen gas.Understanding how they work can help you see how crucial they are in activities like packing food and making electronics.In this article, we will talk about how nitrogen generators work and why they are used in different fields.

What is a nitrogen generator?

A nitrogen generator is a device that produces nitrogen gas from an on-site gas source, such as compressed air. There are two main technologies used in nitrogen generation systems - pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and membrane type. In PSA nitrogen generation, nitrogen gas is separated from other gases in the air using an adsorbent media, typically carbon molecular sieve (CMS), under pressure.

On the other hand, membrane nitrogen generation systems use membrane technology to selectively permeate nitrogen gas through the membrane, separating it from other gases. These nitrogen generators guarantee high-purity nitrogen gas with purity ranges suitable for various industrial users. Industries such as laser cutting, blanketing, and nitrogen supply for nitrogen gas cylinders rely on on-site nitrogen generators to meet their nitrogen gas needs.

Working Principle of Nitrogen Generators

Nitrogen generators work by separating nitrogen from the other gases in the air to produce high-purity nitrogen gas. There are two main technologies used in nitrogen generators: Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) and Membrane Separation.

Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Principle

PSA nitrogen generators utilize the adsorption properties of materials like Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS) or Zeolite. Here's a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. Air Compression and Purification: Ambient air is compressed and purified to remove contaminants such as oil, moisture, and particulates.

  2. Adsorption: The clean, compressed air is introduced into adsorption vessels filled with CMS or Zeolite. These materials selectively adsorb oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor under high pressure, allowing nitrogen to pass through.

  3. Desorption and Regeneration: Once the adsorbent material is saturated with oxygen and other impurities, the pressure is reduced, releasing the adsorbed gases. The system then switches to another vessel to continue the nitrogen production, ensuring a continuous supply.

Membrane Separation Principle

Membrane nitrogen generators use selective permeation through a semi-permeable membrane. Here’s how this process works:

  1. Air Compression and Purification: Ambient air is compressed and purified to remove contaminants.

  2. Membrane Module: The purified compressed air passes through hollow fiber membranes made from specialized polymers. These membranes allow faster permeation of smaller molecules like oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, while nitrogen, which has larger molecules, permeates more slowly.

  3. Nitrogen Collection: As the air flows through the membrane, the fast-permeating gases are vented out, leaving a nitrogen-rich stream that is collected as the product gas.

Both PSA and membrane technologies efficiently separate nitrogen from the air, providing a reliable, on-demand supply of nitrogen gas for various industrial applications.

How Does a Nitrogen Generator Work in Laser Cutting?

A nitrogen generator helps with laser cutting by producing pure nitrogen gas. This gas prevents metal oxidation, resulting in cleaner cuts.The nitrogen gas is created using methods like pressure swing adsorption or membrane technology. It's crucial for maintaining a stable environment around the laser cutting zone.A nitrogen generation system consists of components like carbon molecular sieve or membrane nitrogen membranes. These parts separate nitrogen from compressed air, ensuring the gas is pure enough for laser cutting.By supplying a steady nitrogen flow, generators support reliable and efficient laser cutting operations.

Applications of Nitrogen Generators

Industrial Applications

Nitrogen generators are important in industrial applications. They provide on-site nitrogen generation systems using technologies like Pressure Swing Adsorption and membrane nitrogen generation. Industrial users benefit from the nitrogen flow produced by these systems, eliminating the need for nitrogen gas cylinders or liquid nitrogen delivery. In industries such as pharmaceuticals and food packaging, on-site nitrogen generators ensure the purity levels needed for processes like blanketing and packaging.

This solution is useful for laser cutting applications and maintaining nitrogen supply for various industrial processes.

Pharmaceutical Applications

Nitrogen generators are important in the pharmaceutical industry. They provide high-purity nitrogen gas on-site. Pressure swing adsorption and membrane systems ensure a continuous nitrogen supply. This nitrogen is needed for tasks like blanketing, laser cutting, and pharmaceutical processes. Generators like these ensure the purity levels required for pharmaceutical production, removing the need for nitrogen cylinders or liquid deliveries.

Food Packaging Applications

Nitrogen generators provide high-purity nitrogen gas for food packaging. They use pressure swing adsorption or membrane technology to separate nitrogen from compressed air. Eliminating the need for nitrogen cylinders, these generators offer a continuous and reliable nitrogen supply. This nitrogen gas helps preserve food by reducing oxygen levels, preventing oxidation, and extending shelf life. Nitrogen purity levels and membrane sizes can be adjusted for specific food packaging needs, like laser cutting or modified atmosphere packaging.


In conclusion, nitrogen generators are a vital technology for a variety of industries, providing a reliable and efficient source of high-purity nitrogen gas. Whether through Pressure Swing Adsorption or Membrane Separation, these systems ensure that the nitrogen gas produced meets the specific needs of applications ranging from food packaging to electronics manufacturing. By eliminating the dependency on external nitrogen sources such as gas cylinders or liquid nitrogen deliveries, on-site nitrogen generators offer a cost-effective and convenient solution. As technology advances, it is likely that nitrogen generators will continue to play an increasingly important role in diverse industrial processes, contributing to improved productivity, product quality, and safety standards.

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